Our group is involved in various teaching efforts, ranging from lectures over seminar to internships. Apart from that, we also give lecture for the general public every second semester within the Physics in the Pub Program.
Lecture for bachelor- and master students that are prepared and given by group members can be found on the dedicated web-site of the university at lms (https://lms.uni-mainz.de/) and are summarized below
Lectures from Dr. Kristof Schmieden
Contact: kschmied@uni-mainz.de
- Winter Term 2022/23: Machine Learning in Physics
- Winter Term 2022/23: Tutorium Experimentalphysik 2
- Summer Term 2022: Einführung in die Astronomie
- Winter Term 2021/22: Particle Physics
Lectures from Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott
Contact: mschott@cern.ch
- Summer Term 2023: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Summer Term 2023: Computing in Science
- Winter Term 2022/23: Programmieren für Physiker
- Winter Term 2022/23: Technische Mechanik und Konstruktionslehre
- Summer Term 2022: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Summer Term 2022: Tutorium Experimentalphysik 1
- Winter Term 2021/22: Physik für Biologen und Geowissenschaftler
- Summer Term 2021: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Summer Term 2021: Physics Colloquium
- Winter Term 2020/21: Physik für Biologen und Geowissenschaftler
- Winter Term 2020/21: Physics Colloquium
- Lectures in previous years cover topics like: Electronics, Experimental Physics 4, Experimental Physics 5, Physik für Mediziner, Artificial Intelligence for Social Scientists
Particle Physics Summer Academy for High School Students
In 2016, we organized the first particles physics summer academy for high school students across Germany, who had the opportunity to design and construct their own experiments, which was then conducted with relativistic electrons at the MAMI accelerator. Further information on this first event and also on subsequent schools can be found under: http://www.teilchenphysik-akademie.uni-mainz.de/